Oilman Connect

Tech Networking Changes the Fossil Fuel Industry

OILMAN Magazine, a trusted media source has launched its first large scale Oil and Gas Conference & Expo to take place in the United States. This is no ordinary event because it’s VIRTUAL. OILMAN Connect will take place Tuesday and Wednesday, November 5th and 6th, 2019. The oil and gas community is actively “tech networking” on multiple social platforms, and OILMAN Connect expedites the technological engagement.

OILMAN Connect virtual conference & expo provides the opportunity for ALL individuals to be anywhere and participate from their devices. OILMAN Connect offers the opportunity to learn about technology targeting the oil and gas industry. OILMAN Magazine is an industry innovator utilizing the power of high-tech innovation to connect users to their target audience. Today is the time for virtual conferences to take place! Tech networking within the oil and gas community is already a force on social media through LinkedIn, Periscope, Twitter and Instagram. OILMAN Connect is the new frontier in event planning and implementation using AI as the vehicle to resource new business for vendors! Get on board and connect to OILMAN to reach your target audience.

OILMAN Connect Sponsors

Over the last five years, the oil and gas community has created a strong digital dialogue about fossil fuels. Now with one common format – OILMAN Connect – digital networking can continue to expand! Participants can “beam” into the virtual world of OILMAN Connect, make new contacts, and hear speakers discuss relevant topics like cyber security, machine learning, IoT and blockchain. Virtual networking in not just a Generation X, Y, Z, or Millennial journey, it is a necessary skill to maintain vital connections within the industry and close business transactions.

When professionals invest their time in virtual or tech networking, they save an estimated cost of 15 – 95%. Tech networking allows companies and individuals to build relationships without investing in travel and hotel expenses, or having to take time away from work and their families. While a LinkedIn or Twitter profile is the new business card, OILMAN Connect is the conference & expo to log into this November! OILMAN Connect is an asset to the oil and gas industry, providing education and workforce engagement.

OILMAN Connect allows companies to maximize the marketing of their brand. Participating companies engage without leaving their current operation or team. The entire company can join in live broadcasts. Professionals can participate and continue their work on current exploration or drilling goals while on the rig or in the boardroom.

Register for OILMAN Connect using our quick form: http://oilmanconnect.com/registration.

3 Ways Technology is Going to Shape the Oil and Gas Industry Free to Download Today

Oil and gas operations are commonly found in remote locations far from company headquarters. Now, it's possible to monitor pump operations, collate and analyze seismic data, and track employees around the world from almost anywhere. Whether employees are in the office or in the field, the internet and related applications enable a greater multidirectional flow of information – and control – than ever before.

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