ESG For Energy: 3 Things Companies Should Be Doing

ESG for Energy: 3 Things Companies Should Be Doing – Part 1

In the growing area of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), every energy company, right or wrong, good or bad, seems to get lumped in as uncaring about the environment at best, or pegged as environmental offenders at worst. Little thought, however, is given to the fact that energy companies are…

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Author Profile
Tony Jones
Director - Process & Technology Group - 

Tony Jones is a Director in Opportune LLP’s Process & Technology practice. Tony is an experienced consulting executive with over 20 years of experience in project delivery for the Energy industry. Tony is knowledgeable with liquid and gas supply, trading, refining, terminalling, pipelines and distribution, as having executed several projects for Fortune 500 oil and gas clients. He has worked in all aspects of a project life cycle, from strategy setting and business case development, to project management, though to production support, for business process improvement and software implementations.

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