Digitization of Oil and Gas Industries: Advantage of a Website Presence

Digitization of Oil and Gas Industries: Advantage of a Website Presence

The oil and gas industry benefits our daily lives in many ways. The products and raw materials support modern society. It is an industry that is changing rapidly. Today, the oil and gas industry are being redefined with fundamental adjustments in demand as well as new technologies. By using new digital solutions, oil and gas companies can transform their business and operating models.

What is the Digital Transformation of Oil and Gas?

A new wave of technological change is transforming the oil and gas industry. Through the application of numerous digital technologies that are increasingly being used in other industries, such as remote sensors for the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, and Big Data analytics, digital transformation is having a profound impact on the oil and gas industry. Through digital transformation, companies are striving to reduce costs, deepen relationships with customers, increase efficiency, and create new business models in competitive global markets.

Benefits of Digital Transformation for Oil and Gas

There are significant opportunities for energy companies across all industries to leverage digital transformation. For executives and managers focused on business strategy, business analytics can be used in conjunction with Big Data and artificial intelligence (AI) to better understand which features and products provide the best customer value. Digitization has also a significant impact on operations in the industry’s, it can help buyers and suppliers connect more effectively and collaborate more constructively.

Moreover, remote sensors connected via the cloud, can be used to monitor and track asset maintenance from oil rigs to retail gas pumps. Other advantages of digital transformation, among others, include improving customer experience, performance forecasting, and better asset security.

The Importance of a Website Presence

With your own website, you ensure an individual presentation. A company website is much more than your business card or your figurehead on the web. It is the prerequisite for reaching your target group. From company history and services to references and updates: Companies can provide all important information via their website.

Compared to other advertising formats, a website is a highly affordable and relatively easy to manage. Moreover, it is a way to reach customers all over the world as it allows you to operate internationally and network with business partners or competitors worldwide.

Advantages of a Web Presence

Tips for visibility of your website

Tip #1: Take a close look at your website

Google attaches great importance to the domain name in the URL and therefore continues to display it in the search results. And that’s a good thing because the domain name can act as a brand and thus lead to building trust. With the Domain Check from IONOS, you can check the availability of your desired domain for free and find free domain names for your website.

To make the right decisions around improving your visibility. It’s important to take a detailed look at the metrics of your website and/or online store.

To make qualitative statements about your visibility, you should clarify the following:

  • how high is the traffic on your page?
  • where do your visitors come from?
  • which keywords do they enter and
  • which devices do they use?

Depending on your level of knowledge and the complexity of your marketing measures, you can evaluate these key figures yourself or call in an experienced data specialist.

Tip #2: Optimize website content

Of course, the content to be found on your homepage should also be as relevant and helpful as possible. It’s a good idea to regularly post updates, for example in form of technical papers, to create up-to-date, high-quality content that will help you be found in search engines

Tip #3: Optimize the keywords of your website

The majority of potential new customers will type a few relevant keywords into the search line and look at the results on the first page. If they do not find what they are looking for, they will start a new search with different keywords. In rare cases, they will click on page 2 or 3. At the latest, your company should show up on the first three pages. To increase the visibility of your website, it is necessary to optimize your keywords.

Use keywords that

  • describe your industry
  • address your range of services
  • describe your product as accurately as possible in the words that customers would use
3 Ways Technology is Going to Shape the Oil and Gas Industry Free to Download Today

Oil and gas operations are commonly found in remote locations far from company headquarters. Now, it's possible to monitor pump operations, collate and analyze seismic data, and track employees around the world from almost anywhere. Whether employees are in the office or in the field, the internet and related applications enable a greater multidirectional flow of information – and control – than ever before.

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