Rebecca Ponton

Made in Texas

Rebecca Ponton
When Abilene, Texas, author Cole Thompson wrote his debut novel, Chocolate Lizards (a reference to the dark brown lizard skinned boots his protagonist, Merle Luskey,...

In Conversation With JP Warren

Rebecca Ponton
Rebecca Ponton: You have had a varied and interesting career in energy – everything from HSE with Noble Drilling to Archer’s Acting Country Manager in...

NJ Ayuk Makes His Case

Rebecca Ponton
NJ Ayuk is Africa’s renaissance man. Born in West Africa, (he calls himself “the luckiest kid born in Cameroon”), and raised by a single mother...

All Roads Lead to Energy

Rebecca Ponton
Advanced Freight Dynamics has built its reputation on excellence in shipping and logistics from the smallest shipments to the most complex projects, with a constant...

Jason Spiess: A Man of Intention

Rebecca Ponton
“I’m a method journalist so, before I do a story on skydiving, I’m going to go skydiving,” explains Jason Spiess, founder of The Crude Life...

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